What to Expect

Initial Meeting

I will visit you at home, or meet elsewhere if you prefer, to discuss your plans and intentions for the Service. This meeting will help me to gather the information necessary to write a service that is sensitive, respectful, entirely personal and in line with your wishes. Participation from loved ones is very much welcomed and can take a variety of forms; it might be sharing photographs, stories and memories, choosing a reading or a piece of music, or perhaps writing and delivering a tribute. It may be that you’d like someone to deliver a musical performance or read a poem that has been written by a family member or a friend or perhaps there is something else that truly represents the person we are commemorating. The choice is yours. Each service is unique, as are the elements of participation. We will work together to ensure that you are able to participate in a way that is appropriate for you.

Order of Service
During our initial meeting we will create an Order of Service, which provides the outline for the service. It is also a useful guide for you, your guests and the professionals working with you. Once we have decided what the Order of Service will include, I will word process an outline of this with the aim to send this within 48 hours of our initial meeting. This will allow time to review it and make amendments if necessary. The final Order of Service can then be sent to your funeral director. We will work together to ensure your funeral director receives this within their necessary timescales.

This is sometimes written and delivered by a family member or friend but often, a large part of my role as celebrant is to write and deliver the Eulogy. The information you share with me along with your memories, stories, thoughts and feelings will form the basis of the Eulogy and it is a really lovely way for you to participate in the service and to pay tribute. Once this is written I will share it with you, prior to the service, so that we can make any additions or changes if necessary.

Tributes, Readings and Participation
I will collect tributes and readings from those participating. These elements will be included in the Order of Service, alongside their name. It may be necessary to review or edit these or other parts of the service to ensure that they fit together well and within the time we have available. I can offer advice and/or guidance and suggestions to assist with this.

Creating and Delivering the Service
I will write the full Service, pulling together all of it’s different elements to create the most effective flow. I will then lead and deliver the Service we have prepared at the venue of your choice (e.g. crematorium or cemetery). The length of the Service is usually determined by the venue. Following the Service I will give you a wordprocessed copy of everything to keep, including all the contributions made.

Liaison with Funeral Director
I can liaise, on your behalf, with the funeral director of your choice regarding the Order of Service, choice of music and other audio visual requests, as well as the length of Service available and any other necessary arrangements regarding the service.

Additional Elements of Ceremony
Families and friends sometimes find that there are more tributes, readings and participation than there is time for at the Crematorium or Cemetery. If this is the case it is possible to create and provide additional elements of ceremony for you elsewhere. Extended or additional services involving internment or scattering of ashes, or additional memorials at another venue can be arranged and would be charged separately. Please ask me about this if it is something you are interested in.