About Me

I have been very lucky to have had an interesting and varied career. From the night shifts packing selection boxes in the height of summer, the frosty days selling wool on Todmorden market to a career working with charities and local authorities, teaching psychology to adults in the community and  undergraduates and being a mum. Whatever my role, though, my focus in employment (and in life) has always been people.

For me, people are important; their story, their traits, where they are from, what they care about, what they’ve done, what they’ve inspired and the time they’ve spent in the world is precious. To recognise and celebrate this, in whatever way we can, is important. One of the many gifts of being a celebrant is that my skills and interests have combined to allow me to be a part of this.

Throughout my career I’ve found that there is a power and strength in human interaction and connection. Whether it’s between just one or two or between hundreds. When people come together at significant times in their lives they share this. In my current role as a celebrant it is my great privilege to work together with people to create a personal service that can harness this and mark the importance of a life lived.

I work predominantly in the Leeds area where I’ve lived since achieving my psychology degree here, but I’m more than happy to travel throughout West Yorkshire and into East Lancashire (where I’m originally from).

I have strong public speaking, research, planning and preparation skills and over 20 years experience of working with local authorities and charities developing, coordinating and providing support for people from all walks of life. All this has given me an excellent record of creating and delivering positive experiences for people in difficult circumstances.